
News story #3 イギリスの女性に誕生日のサプライズ

This is the third episode from our new lesson series – News story. Today’s news story is about an old British woman who had a big surprise on her birthday. The accompanying book to all the news stories which contains the news transcript, the English translation, keywords, grammar points, and excises is available for purchase …

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News story #2 燃える船から猫を助けたヒーロー

This is the second episode from our new lesson series – News story. Today’s news story is about a brave navy man who saved cats from a sinking ship. The accompanying book to all the news stories which contains the news transcript, the English translation, keywords, grammar points, and excises is available for purchase from …

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Blue & Red Idioms | 青と赤の慣用句

今日(きょう)のトピック は、いろいろな色(いろ)に関(かん)する慣用句(かんようく)や 表現(ひょうげん)を みてみましょう。 We are going to explore more idioms and expressions related to different colors! Today, however, we will focus on just 2 colors that are very important to Japanese people: blue and red. Let’s start with the color blue or 青 in Japanese 青 is one of the 4 basic colors that have been …

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Water Idioms | 水に関する慣用句

今日(きょう)のトピック は、水(みず)に関(かん)する慣用句(かんようく)です。 Today’s topic is idioms related to “water”. Before diving into our idioms, let us first talk about the Japanese tradition of drinking alcohol. Traditionally, Japanese people have been drinking alcohol/sake as a tool for communication among them after work in relaxed settings. This special culture is often called 飲みニケーション (nominication) – a combination …

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Color Idioms | 色の慣用句

Today’s topic is idioms related to the word “color”. 今日のトピック は、色(いろ)の慣用句(かんようく)です。 Color in Japanese is 色(いろ).  However, did you know that the word 色 means not only colors but can also refer to a romantic relationship between men and women? It can even carry a sexial connotation. For example: 色っぽい It means “sexy”. ぽい here …

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Mouth idioms | 口の慣用句

Today’s topic is idioms related to the word “mouth”. 今日(きょう)のトピック は、口(くち)に関(かん)する慣用句(かんようく)です。 口がかたい It literally means “one’s mouth is hard/firm” but it is used to mean that “one can keep secrets; trustworthy”. 口が軽(かる)い かるい means “light” so if someone has a light mouth, it means that he has a loose tongue and can’t keep secrets! Even though …

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How to say “anywhere/anyone/anything” (Question word + でも)

Today I’d like to briefly explain how to say “anywhere/anyone/anything…etc” in Japanese. The question word is called 疑問詞(ぎもんし)in Japanese as 疑問(ぎもん)means “question” and 詞(し)means “word”. Parts of speech in generals have this 詞(し)as a suffix, as in 名詞(めいし = noun), 動詞(どうし = verb), 形容詞(けいようし = adjective), 副詞(ふくし = adverb)…etc. Anyways, when a question word is …

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