
News story #12 カナダで先住民の子ども215人の骨が見つかる

This is the 12th episode from our new lesson series – News story. Today’s news is about the remains of 215 children found buried on the site of what was once Canada’s largest Indigenous residential school.  This episode is for advanced learners.   We’ve created this lesson series, aimed at intermediate to advanced level learners …

News story #12 カナダで先住民の子ども215人の骨が見つかる Read More »

News story #11 コロナ禍でドイツでビーガンが増える

This is the 11th episode from our new lesson series – News story. Today’s news is about more and more Germans becoming vegans during the pandemic.  This episode is for intermediate learners. The accompanying book to all the news stories which contains the news transcript, the English translation, keywords, grammar points, and excises is available …

News story #11 コロナ禍でドイツでビーガンが増える Read More »

News story #10 スペイン領セウタに8,000人が不法入国

This is the 10th episode from our new lesson series – News story. Today’s news is about thousands of migrants leaving Morocco to enter Spanish territory called Ceuta.  This episode is for advanced learners. The accompanying book to all the news stories which contains the news transcript, the English translation, keywords, grammar points, and excises …

News story #10 スペイン領セウタに8,000人が不法入国 Read More »

News story #9 イスラエルが、ガザ地区を空爆する

This is the 9th episode from our new lesson series – News story. Today’s news is about the recent conflict between the Palestinians and the Israeli Army that happened right in the middle of the Islamic holy month of Ramadan. This episode is for advanced learners. For more information on this topic, please watch this …

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News story #8 レディー・ガガの犬が誘拐される

This is the 8th episode from our new lesson series – News story. Today’s news is about Lady Gaga’s dognapping case. In February this year, this famous American artist’s dogs got kidnapped. Let’s find out the details. This episode is for intermediate learners. The accompanying book to all the news stories which contains the news …

News story #8 レディー・ガガの犬が誘拐される Read More »

News story #6 白髪を染めない運動が広がる

This is the 6th episode from our new lesson series – News story. Today’s news story is about a recent movement among women that is trending on Instagram. Let’s find out what this movement is about. This episode is curated for intermediate learners. The accompanying book to all the news stories which contains the news …

News story #6 白髪を染めない運動が広がる Read More »

News story #5 「哺乳瓶でドリンクを飲む」ブーム

This is the fifth episode from our new lesson series – News story. Today’s story is about the latest trend in the Gulf countries.  This episode is perfect for advanced learners. The accompanying book to all the news stories which contains the news transcript, the English translation, keywords, grammar points, and excises is available for …

News story #5 「哺乳瓶でドリンクを飲む」ブーム Read More »

News story #4 「シロクマホテル」が中国でオープン

This is the fourth episode from our new lesson series – News story. Today’s story is about the opening of a very unique hotel in China. Let us find out why this hotel is so unique. This episode is designed for lower-intermediate learners. The accompanying book to all the news stories which contains the news …

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Black & White Idioms | 黒と白の慣用句

Today, let’s learn some idioms and expressions related to 2 colors – black and white. 今日は、黒と白の2つの色の慣用句や表現について 学びましょう。 Black is called 黒(くろ) in Japanese. 黒(くろ)い originally comes from the i-adjective 暗(くら)い meaning dark, therefore the word often has a negative connotation.   腹黒(はらぐろ)い 腹(はら) means belly so 腹黒い literally means black belly. It’s used to refer to …

Black & White Idioms | 黒と白の慣用句 Read More »

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