Today I’d like to briefly explain how to say “anywhere/anyone/anything…etc” in Japanese.
The question word is called 疑問詞(ぎもんし)in Japanese as 疑問(ぎもん)means “question” and 詞(し)means “word”.
Parts of speech in generals have this 詞(し)as a suffix, as in 名詞(めいし = noun), 動詞(どうし = verb), 形容詞(けいようし = adjective), 副詞(ふくし = adverb)…etc.
Anyways, when a question word is followed by a combination of particles でも, it gives the meaning of “no matter…” or “…ever” or simply, “any…”
- なんでも = no matter what; whatever = anything
- いつでも = no matter when; whenever = anytime
- だれでも = no matter who; whoever = anyone
- どこでも = no matter where; wherever = anywhere
- どれでも = no matter which; whichever = any one of…
For example:
あの店(みせ)は、いつでも こんでいる。
That shop is crowded no matter when I go. ( = That shop is always crowded)
このパソコンは、だれでも かんたんに 使(つか)えます。
This computer can be easily used by anyone, no matter who.
Please note that if the question word accompanies a particle, it must not to be dropped and should come before でも.
For example:
かのじょは、だれとでも 仲(なか)がいい。
She gets along well with anyone.
このクラスは、何才(なんさい)からでも 入(はい)れます。
This class can be joined starting from any age.
コンビニは、どこにでも ある。
Convenience stores can be found anywhere, wherever you are.
Example dialogue:
A: あした映画(えいが)をみにいかない。
B: いいよ。
A: どの映画(えいが)がみたい?
B: どれでも いいよ。
A: じゃあ、どらえもんの映画(えいが)にしようか。まちあわせは、なんじがいい?
B: なんじでも いいよ。
A: そう?じゃあ、3じでいい?。どこで まちあわせる?
B: どこでも いいよ。
A: じゃあ、駅(えき)のとなりのスターバックスの前(まえ)で、3じね!
B: わかった。
Another thing to be noted is that this phrase (Question word + でも) can’t be used in a negative sentence.
For example, if you want to say, “I don’t want to see anyone”, you can not say だれでも あいたくない。In this case, you would have to say だれにも あいたくない。You see the difference?
I hope this post was useful. If you have any question, please leave me a comment!